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General Information:
All items are listed with their net prices VAT will be added only for uruguay private customers during checkout.
All licenses, including academic, are perpetual (non expiring) and contain all features. Academic licenses are per-user, allow single installation and may be used only for educational purposes, by students and teachers. Standard licenses are per-user.
Caedium CFD import plugin One Month
Import Caedium CFD Data in ixCube 4-10
ixCube CFD Educational
ixCube CFD for Rhino Educational One Year license
ixCube 4-10 Professional One Month
ixCube 4-10 Professional 64 bit one month license. This ...
FTM Module One Month
Footing design module for ixCube 4-10 and ixCube Fea
BS5950 One Month
Steel design module based on British Standards BS5950
ixCube Fea Professional
ixCube FEA One year full license note: ixCube FEA is ...